St Stephen Churchtown Academy will re-open for Autumn Term on Thursday 5th September. Have a lovely summer holiday.

Year 3/4 - Lansallos

Mrs Price


Mrs Ellis
- Welcome to Lansallos Class -
Our day
  • We start off our day getting our resources ready, whilst our adults take the registers and check that we are all in.  We might have book looks - where we have free choice of books from the class library, reading book time, quick maths or spelling practice
  • After that some of us go to phonic groups to practice our reading and spelling, whilst others practice their reading and spelling in the classroom.
  • Then we have Maths, we start our lessons with a quick 5 minute fluency, we all enjoy the different music and timers our adults pick for the IWB.  Then we work on our daily Maths activities.  At 10.45am the Yr4 members of the class have times table time for 15 minutes (see below for links you can try at home)
  • After a run around and playtime with our friends we complete our maths and start our English work. 
  • Then its lunchtime
  • In the afternoon we have lots of great lessons and activities;
    • Monday afternoon is PE with Mrs Carter and Art, at the moment we are studying John Dyer, a local artist
    • Science is always on a Tuesday and we learn in our year groups, so Year 4 stay with Mrs Price and Year 3 work with Mrs Lawry and Mrs Frost/Ms Bunney, we finish the day with Merit Assembly.
    • Wednesday is PSHE, Spanish and History.
    • On a Thursday afternoon we have History and computing.
    • Friday afternoons we have RE and Music, the Yr3's have Ukulele and the Yr4's work with Mrs Price 
Also on a Friday we have Spelling Tests in our Phonics and Guided Reading groups, Homework is collected in and marked together, then the next week's is handed out.  We are certainly very busy!
Quick classroom tour
How we work on improving our tables knowledge
A great way to learn your timetables
Lots of great resources, search by subject or topic, we use some of the topic and Science videos in class
Covers many topics, a super place to start when looking at your Topic homework

St Stephen Churchtown Academy
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