Back to school on Thursday 5th September! Have a lovely summer holiday!

PSHE/SRE 2024-2025

Our intent:

It is our intent that personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education enables children to

  •          understand how they are developing socially and personally, and tackles many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up.
  •           learn about rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to belong to a community.
  •          develop their self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community.
  •          be healthy, independent and responsible members of a society.
  •          build a positive self image where they develop healthy relations with others.
  •          develop resilience in all areas of their lives.

At St Stephen Churchtown we begin to embed Personal, Social and Emotional development from our 2 year Nursery which underpins our curriculum to give children a strong foundation in their PSED development. This supports our pillars of the school within Developing Character and Collaboration.

From thorough transition arrangements, our curriculum is purposefully designed ensuring every child makes good progress from their individual starting points.


Once children begin our Reception class, we follow a specific programme 'We Thinkers' which is a fun, engaging social thinking curriculum that combines a social learning framework used in school. This is an extra layer across our whole school TIS approach to support early interactions.


We also follow The Scarf (Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, Friendship) scheme of work in Nursery and continue to do so until the end of Year 6.

Each half term all year groups focus on the same unit each half term

Autumn 1- Me and my relationships

Autumn 2- Valuing differences

Spring 1 Keeping Safe

Spring 2- Rights and Respect

Summer 1- Being my best

Summer 2 – Growing and changing


Each unit is revisited each year to enable progression in skills, knowledge and understanding.


Through these areas of learning children learn to form good relationships, about how to live in the wider world and how to stay healthy, as well as focusing on their wellbeing..

 By following a spiral curriculum topics are revisited to consolidate understanding. As children move up the school topics increase in complexity and new learning is related to previous learning. This means children’s knowledge and understanding is developed and expanded as on as they move through the school. For example in a Nursery class children may be learning that there are similarities and differences between themselves and others whilst in Year 6 they will be learning about what the term ‘prejudice’ means and the benefits of living in a diverse society.

Throughout Nursery, Reception and Year 1 continuous provision activities are also carefully planned to support and enhance children’s learning and experiences.


St Stephen Churchtown Academy
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